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HomeCSCCa National Conference
Upcoming Events
Conference Registration

Full-Time Members


Early Bird Registration

(Paid on or before February 13th) $335

Student/Part-Time/Emeritus Members


Early Bird Registration

(Paid on or before February 13th) $235

Full-Time Non-Members


Early Bird Registration

(Paid on or before February 13th) $495




Early Bird Registration

(Paid on or before February 13th) $320

ATTENTION: Membership is no longer required for National Conference attendance. Annual membership dues (membership year runs from August 1- July 31) must be paid by corresponding deadlines in order to receive the member discounted pricing for the national conference. A non-compliance fee will be assessed for individuals who do not pay the membership fee by the corresponding deadline, but who have received discounted pricing for national conference registration.

111 West Anderson Lane
Suite #D217
Austin, TX 78752

Contact us
(801) 375-9400

9 AM - 4 PM CST