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The Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches association (CSCCa) is an NCCA-accredited nonprofit organization committed to the advancement and professional development of strength and conditioning coaches. Founded in May 2000, the CSCCa strives to meet the unique needs and challenges of collegiate coaches, providing resources, certification, and continuing education opportunities to support their pursuit of excellence and career growth. The CSCCa also works to bridge the gap between exercise science research and practical application, promote positive relationships with the media, and advocate for policies that serve the best interests of student-athletes.

We would like to extend an invitation to interested companies to become a part of this exciting, non-profit [501(c)(3)], educational organization by becoming a sponsor and joining our team of professionals. This opportunity will allow your company, as well as your products and/or services, to be affiliated with the athletic programs of colleges and universities, as well as professional athletic programs (NFL, NBA, WNBA, NHL, MLB, etc.), throughout the country.



Platinum Plus Sponsor and Founding Partner of the CSCCa Since 2002

Official Nutrition Education Partner

Outstanding Sports Nutritional Products

Gatorade offers a range of sports fuel products backed by years of scientific research, developed in collaboration with the world’s greatest athletes and designed to improve athletic performance. Gatorade’s portfolio is designed to meet the fueling needs of all athletes, and the addition of Muscle Milk to the Gatorade family only strengthens its product roster. Gatorade’s Recovery products - bars, protein powder and shakes - help athletes rebuild muscles after athletic activity while Muscle Milk products help athletes maximize their strength.

Gatorade Performance Partner




Platinum Sponsor of the CSCCa since 2006, Official Supplier of Weight Room and Running Surface Solutions for the CSCCa

Mondo's wide ranges of sports flooring products are engineered to meet the specific needs of every athletic facility; from gymnasiums, weight rooms and cardio areas to indoor and outdoor running tracks. Mondo has combined quality, durability and performance in its various product lines. Engineered to withstand punishment from free weights and barbells. It combines exceptional shock absorption and energy return for unparalleled safety and comfort.

Latasha Pittman 




Platinum Sponsor of the CSCCa, Official Provider of Olympic and Power Lifting Bars and Bumper Plates and Official Bar of the SCCC Certification Exam

Eleiko designs and manufactures best-in-class strength products for the world’s leading competitions, training facilities and gyms. We are dedicated to being the industry leader with durable, high performing products that focus on quality, safety and delivering the ultimate lifting experience. Eleiko quality is achieved through carefully sourced materials, precision engineering and our Swedish manufacturing.

Rickard Blomberg

Build Your Base


Gold Sponsor of the CSCCa

Beef Logic Inc. works alongside Build Your Base program partners in delivering whole plate nutrition education with a common-sense approach in meal planning. This comprehensive sports nutrition program written in partnership between the Sanford Sports Science Institute and the South Dakota Beef Industry Council utilizes beef as its premier protein. It strives to prepare athletes and their families for a successful sports season through ready-to-use materials, best-in-class sports nutrition education, and high-quality protein to support optimal performance. The program offers free expertise, resources, and meal plans from renowned experts in the sports nutrition field and opportunities to engage and experience beef through community and beef partnerships across the U.S. Learn more about the Build Your Base program by visiting

Suzy Geppert 

What are the benefits of sponsoring the CSCCa?

What advertising opportunities are available for sponsors?
✔Sponsors have the chance to advertise to high schools, colleges, universities, and professional athletic programs nationwide. This includes a listing on the CSCCa website in both the shopper’s guide and the sponsorship page.

How can sponsoring CSCCa enhance my company's affiliation? 

✔By sponsoring CSCCa, your company will be affiliated with leading strength and conditioning and health & fitness professionals.

Will my products/services be recognized?
✔Yes, your products and services will gain recognition from hundreds of thousands of coaches and athletes.

What are the benefits related to the Annual National Conference?
✔Sponsors get first choice of premium booth space at the Annual National Conference and an exhibit hall dedicated to showcasing what you have to offer.

How can sponsoring CSCCa provide networking opportunities?  
✔Sponsoring CSCCa gives you the opportunity to present your products and services directly to decision-makers at major colleges, universities, and professional sports teams, depending on your sponsorship level.

What promotional activities are included?
✔Sponsorship includes email promotions leading up to, during, and after the conference. Your company will also receive deluxe listing with a full description in the Exhibitor Directory of the CSCCa National Conference Magazine.

How will my company be featured in CSCCa communications?
✔Your company’s logo will be included in the CSCCa Monthly Email Newsletter and the CSCCa National Conference Guide. Additionally, you will have a listing on the CSCCa website in both the Sponsor Page and Shopper’s Guide, with a direct link to your company’s website.

What special events and recognition are provided for sponsors?
✔Sponsors are invited to the Master S&C Coaches’ Dinner & Ceremony with reserved seating, receive special recognition at the CSCCa National Conference, and benefit from social media promotions on CSCCa's Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Are there any discounts available for advertising?
✔Yes, sponsors receive discounted pricing on advertising and premium ad placement in the CSCCa Monthly and CSCCa National Conference Guide.

Will my company’s logo be featured in mobile app platforms? 
✔Yes, your company’s logo and a clickable link will be included on the National Conference Whova Mobile App.

For more information or to become a sponsor, please contact us at!

111 West Anderson Lane
Suite #D217
Austin, TX 78752

Contact us
(801) 375-9400

9 AM - 4 PM CST