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Dr. Thomas Nesser, Ph.D.

Education Board Chair,
Specialty Exercise Science

Indiana State University
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Certifications, Publications, & Bio
Certifications, Publications, & Bio
Dr. Thomas Nesser, Ph.D.
Education Board Chair, Specialty Exercise Science

Ph.D. Kinesiology - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 2000

MS Exercise Science - University of Nebraska at Omaha - Omaha, Nebraska - May 1995

BA Sports Science - St. Olaf College - Northfield, Minnesota - May 1993


American College of Sports Medicine - Health/Fitness Specialist - May 1994

National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - August 1993


Professional Experience
August 2013 to present - Professor

August 2008 to Present - Associate Professor

January 2009 to August 2009 - Interim Department Chair, Department of Physical Education

August 2002 to July 2008 - Assistant Professor

College of Nursing, Health and Human Services, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.

Duties: Exercise Science undergraduate program director, class preparation and lecture, student major advisor, and University committee participation.

August 1999 to May 2002

Assistant Professor, College of Education, Department of Physical Education, Dakota State University, Madison, SD. Duties: Exercise Science major core class preparation and lecture, student major advisor, and University committee participation.

July 1997 to June 1999

Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Duties: study design and protocol development, subject preparation, exercise test technician, lab equipment maintenance and operation, undergraduate student supervision, class preparation and lecture.

July 1996 to June 1997

Assistant Project Coordinator, HERITAGE Family Study, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and Exercise Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Duties: initial evaluation and prescription of individual subject's training program, monitoring training protocol to include evaluation and analysis of training data with weekly reports, subject retention and compliance, training room and student supervision, exercise and body composition testing, and general lab maintenance and scheduling.


Nesser, T.W. Development of upper body power in junior cross-country skiers. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, 2000.


Nesser, T.W., M.J. Gage, and N. Fleming. Comparison of Core Muscle Activation between the Front Squat and Back Squat, and between the Overhead Press and Push-Press. In Review.

Nesser, T.W., What are appropriate weight lifting modifications for patients with a history of shoulder problems?. In Bliven. K.M. (Ed.), Quick Questions on the Shoulder: Expert Advice in Sports Medicine. Slack Inc. Thorofare, NJ. In Print.

Nesser, T.W., Core Assessment. In Willardson. J.M. (Ed.), National Strength and Conditioning Association Developing the Core. Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL. 2014.

Kingsley, J.D., R. Zakrajsek, T.W. Nesser, and MJ. Gage. Static stretching and imagery on anaerobic performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27(1), 265-269, 2013.

LeDune, J.A, T.W. Nesser, A. Finch, R.A. Zakrajsek. Biomechanical analysis of two standing sprint start techniques. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26(12):3449-3453, 2012.

Shinkle, J., T.W. Nesser, T.J. Demchak, D.M. McMannus. Effect of core strength on the measure of power in the extremities. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26(2):373-380, 2012.

Okado, T., K.C. Huxel, and T.W. Nesser, Relationship between core stability, functional movement, and performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25(1):252-261. 2011.

Nesser, T.W. and W.L. Lee. The relationship between core stability and performance in Division I female soccer players. Journal of Exercise Physiology online. 12(2):21-28. 2009.

Nesser, T.W., K.C. Huxel, J.L. Tincher, and T. Okado, The relationship between core stability and performance in strength and power athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 22(6). 2008.

Hardy, L., J. Brucker, K. Huxel, and T.W. Nesser. Prophylactic ankle braces do not affect star excursion balance measures in uninjured subjects. Journal of Athletic Training. 43(4):347-351. 2008.

Nesser, T.W. The use of technology in and out of the classroom. Indiana AHPERD Journal. 37(2). 2008.

Nesser, T.W. The glycemic advantage. NSCA Performance Training Journal. 6(6):17-19. 2007.

Nesser, T.W. and T. Demchak. The effects of preseason conditioning on volleyball performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology online. 10(5):35-42. 2007.

Huang, C.J., T.W. Nesser, J.E. Edwards, and J.L. Alexander. Physiological determinates of rowing performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology online. 10(4):43-50. 2007.

Nesser, T.W. Refining research significance. Indiana AHPERD Journal. 36(3). 2007

Nesser, T.W. Establishing your program through the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Educational Recognition Program. Indiana AHPERD Journal. 35(3). 2006.

Nesser, T.W., C. Shuping, R.C. Serfass, and S.E. Gaskill, Development of upper body power in junior cross country skiers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 18(4), 2004.

Koscheyev, V.S., G.R. Leon, T.W. Nesser, D. Tranchida, and T.J Taylor. Components of respirator comfort: A comparison of the 3M CFR and 42 CFR respirators. Technical Report, 3M Occupational Health and Safety Division, 1998.

Nesser, T.W., R.W. Latin, K. Berg, and E. Prentice. Physiological determinants of 40-meter sprint performance in young male athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 10(4), 1996.


Conference Presentations/Abstracts
Cleays, H., Zakrajsek, R., Martinson, M., Edwards, A., Brewer, A., Hochgesang, S., Nesser, T.W., Gage, M., Kingsly, J.D. The effect of stretching and motor imagery on anaerobic performance in trained cyclists. American College of Sports Medicine Annual meeting. San Francisco, CA. 2012.

T.W. Nesser and D.M. McMannus. Relationship between muscles stiffness and athletic performance variables. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2011.

Nesser, T.W., T. Okada, and K.C. Huxel. Relationship between core stability, functional movement and performance. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2008.

Lee, W.L. and T.W. Nesser. The relationship between core stability and performance in Division I female soccer players. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2008.

Nesser, T.W. Recovery Nutrition. Slide Presentation (50 minute) at the Indiana NSCA Annual State Clinic. Carmel, IN. 2008.

Nesser, T.W. S.M. Edwardson, H. Millick. Increasing Student Access to Visual Learning Objects. Slide Presentation (50 Minutes) at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, West Lafayette, IN. 2008.

Nesser, T.W. J.D Jasper, T.J. Demchak, and J.E. Edwards. The effect of hip flexor training on collegiate sprinters. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2007.

Nesser, T.W. Implications of Core Training. Slide Presentation (50 minute) at the Indiana NSCA Annual State Clinic. Carmel, IN. 2007.

Nesser, T.W. Childhood obesity. Wabash Valley Community Summit. Terre Haute, IN. 2006.

Robbins, L.W., J.C. Ozmun, J.E. Edwards, and T.W. Nesser. EMG and energy expenditure differences in children handling weighted and non-weighted toy blocks. Poster presentation at the CDC ? International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Atlanta, GA. 2006.

Robbins, L.W., J.C. Ozmun, J.E. Edwards, and T.W. Nesser. Oxygen consumption and heart rate differences in children carrying weighted and non-weighted toy blocks. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Denver, CO. 2006.

Nesser, T.W. and T.J. Demchak. Variations of preseason conditioning on volleyball performance. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Washington D.C. 2006.

Nesser, T.W. and T.J. Demchak. The effects of preseason conditioning on volleyball performance. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2005.

Huang, C.J., T.W. Nesser, J.E. Edwards, and J.L. Alexander. Physiological determinates of rowing performance. Poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2005.

Babington, J.P., J.E. Edwards, J.W. Skaggs, R. Bergman, T.W. Nesser. Hoffman reflex does not differ between endurance trained, power trained and controls. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, San Francisco, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 35(5), 2003.

Nesser, T.W., S.E. Gaskill, S.P. Chen, A.J. Walker and R.C. Serfass. Upper body power development and race performance in junior cross-country skiers. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Baltimore, MD. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33(5), 2001.

Nesser, T.W., S.E. Gaskill, S.P. Chen, A.J. Walker and R.C. Serfass. Upper body power development in junior cross-country skiers. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 32(5), 2000.

Nesser, T.W., S.E. Gaskill, S.P. Chen, C.M. Peterson, A.J. Walker and R.C. Serfass. Development of upper body power in junior cross-country skiers. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Seattle, WA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 31(5), 1999.

Nesser, T.W., S.E. Gaskill, K. Skemp, A.J. Walker. Variance in the reproducibility of the Borg rating of RPE during exercise test with cross-country skiers. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Orlando, FL. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 30(5), 1998.

Bakke, B.L. R.C. Serfass, C.J. Billington, C.C. Drahiem, P.V. Snyder, and T.W. Nesser. Increasing exercise in Prader-Willi syndrome: A longitudinal study of physiological and behavioral outcomes. Association for Behavior Analysis National Conference, Chicago, IL. 1997.

Nesser, T.W., S.E. Gaskill, P. Bednarski, A.J. Walker, R.C. Serfass. Changes in upper body economy of young cross country skiers. Poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 29(5), 1997.


Teaching Experience
Indiana State University - August 2002 to present

Course: Fitness for Life
Course: Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Methods
Course: Resistance Training Methods
Course: Physiology of Exercise
Course: Foundations of Conditioning
Course: Teaching Strategies in Physical Fitness
Course: Scientific Aspects of Coaching and Physical Education
Course: Organization and Administration of Fitness Programs
Course: Lifespan Fitness
Course: Advanced Strength and Conditioning Theory

Committee Memberships
Indiana State University - ePortfolio Committee, UP Proposal (CONHHS), Wellness Committee, Information and Technology Advisory Committee
University Research Committee
Intellectual Properties Committee
Exercise Science Curriculum Review Committee
College of Health and Human Performance Executive Committee
Graduate Faculty Selection Committee

Professional Organizations
National Strength and Conditioning Association Indiana State Director (2005 - 2008) Education Committee (2006 - 2012)

American College of Sports Medicine


Other Organizations

American Legion

Jeffrey Willardson, Ph.D.

Specialty Kinesiology and Sports Studies

Montana State University Billings
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Certifications, Publications, & Bio
Dr. Jeff Willardson is the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Montana State University Billings Yellowjackets. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Health and Human Performance Department and teaches the Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, and Research Methods courses.

He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in exercise science from Utah State University, and a Doctorate in Exercise and Wellness from Arizona State University. He has since authored or coauthored more than 90 professional journal articles on different aspects of weight training for improving health and athletic performance. Dr. Willardson has presented nationally and internationally; most recently, on four separate occasions in various cities across the country of Brazil.
He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and serves on the education board for the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association.

Dr. Willardson has competed seven times as a drug-free bodybuilder and in his free time, enjoys family activities with his wife and four children. He is a native of Wellsville, Utah.
Jeffrey M. Willardson: Vita

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Ernest Rimer, PhD

Director of Sport Science

University of Louisville Athletics
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Certifications, Publications, & Bio
In his 21st year of service, Dr. Ernie Rimer is in his first year as Director of Sport Science for University of Louisville Athletics. His role uses scientific principles to support the health, safety, and performance of their student-athletes through research, education, and innovation.

Prior to University of Louisville, Rimer was the Director of Sport Science at the University of Utah. He also held strength and conditioning positions at the United States Ski & Snowboard Association and Northern Arizona University (NAU). In 2020, Rimer co-founded FYTT, a high-performance software for sports performance professionals. Rimer received his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Utah (2019), and both his M.Ed. in Education (2006) and a B.S. in Exercise Science (2004) from NAU.

He has additional education in data science and statistics from University of Utah, and software development from DevPoint Labs, where he was awarded the 2020 Opportunities in Tech Scholarship. Additionally, he has presented at numerous national and international conferences on various topics in sport. Rimer is married to Alyssa, and they have three children: Veronika, Layla, and Max.

Ron Courson, ATC, PT, NREMT-I, CSCS

Specialty Sports Medicine

University of Georgia Athletic Association
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Certifications, Publications, & Bio
Ron Courson has served as Director of Sports Medicine with the University of Georgia Athletic Association since May of 1995, after serving four years as Director of Rehabilitation at the University of Alabama. Prior to joining the Alabama staff in 1991, he served as an athletic trainer/physical therapist with Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. He received his undergraduate degree in education/physical education from Samford University, where he played soccer and ran track and field. Courson performed two years of graduate work at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, and graduated with honors from the Medical College of Georgia with a degree in physical therapy.

A native of Birmingham, Alabama, Courson is additionally a national registered emergency medical technician-intermediate as well as a certified strength and conditioning specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Courson has been involved in many athletic training activities including work as an athletic trainer with the U.S. Olympic Team at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea; 1990 Goodwill Games in Seattle; 1987 World University Games in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis and the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. He served as the chief athletic trainer for the 1996 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials as well as the chief athletic trainer for track and field for the Atlanta Committee for the 1996 Olympic Games (ACOG).

Active in his profession, Ron has served as a member of the NCAA Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports committee. He is a past president of the Southeastern Conference Sports Medicine Committee as well as chairman of the College and University Athletic Trainers' Committee of the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) and NATA liaison to the American Football Coaches Association. During his tenure at Alabama, he served as president of the Alabama Athletic Trainers? Association and as chair of the Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers. He currently serves as a member of the D1A Athletic Directors Task Force on Student-Athlete Development and the National Football League Health and Safety Committee.

Ron serves as an adjunct instructor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Georgia, teaching in the athletic training education program. He also serves as a clinical instructor teaching student physical therapists from various schools throughout the country. He is active in research and education in the field of sports medicine, having authored a number of professional papers and text chapters. He served as a co-author with the NATA on position papers for emergency preparation, exertional heat illness, sudden death, management of sudden cardiac arrest and management of head and cervical spine injuries. Ron presents frequently at regional and national sports medicine meetings.

Ron is married to the former Eileen O'Connell of Waycross, Georgia. Eileen is a physical therapist who attended the University of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia. Ron and Eileen have four children, John, Anna, Luke and Will.

Glenn Harris, MS, MSCC, SCCC

Director of Strength & Conditioning

Boston University
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Certifications, Publications, & Bio
A 1994 graduate of Springfield College, Glenn Harris earned his master's degree in exercise science from Appalachian State in 1996. He first came to Boston University in May of 1996 to serve as an assistant strength and conditioning coach where he supervised the strength and conditioning programs for men's soccer, field hockey, and the 1996-97 America East champion men's basketball team. He was promoted to head strength and conditioning coach in 1997, supervising the strength and conditioning programs for the Terriers' 24 varsity teams ever since.

During his 25-year career, Harris has had the opportunity to train members of USA women's soccer, women's ice hockey, and rowing. He has also worked with athletes preparing for seasons in Major League Soccer, Major League Lacrosse, the National Hockey League, and the European Basketball League. He also consulted with the Massachusetts State Police fitness coordinators and served as a conditioning coach for the 19th Special State Police Academy. Along with his role at Boston University, Harris also serves as the strength coach for the Boston Rowing Federation which is a pan-river, Greater Boston effort to support a limited number of oarsmen and oarswomen who are capable of contending for Olympic and Paralympic medals. Through that effort, Harris was the strength coach for the US Women’s 1x Olympian in London 2012, the US Women’s 1x Olympic Silver Medalist in Rio 2016, as well as the US Women’s 2x and members of the Women’s 4x in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games.

Harris has spoken on, and authored, several articles involving strength and conditioning. He was a featured speaker at Community Rowing’s 2019 What Works Summit, presenting Row Strong: How decreased volume can lead to increased performance. Harris contributed to The Professional’s Guide to Strength & Conditioning textbook, authoring the chapter “Aerobic & Anaerobic Conditioning and Program Design” as well as other articles including "Off-season Conditioning for Women's Lacrosse" and "Pre-Season Conditioning for College Basketball." He has also co-authored "Training for Ice Hockey" and a study entitled "Short-Term Performance Effects of High Power, High Force, or Combined Weight-Training Programs."
Harris is Strength & Conditioning Coach certified (SCCC) by the Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coaches Association and is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Harris was presented with the certification of Master Strength and Conditioning Coach by the CSCCa in 2014.
Harris resides in Salem, NH with his wife, Beth and son, Owen. 

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